Reference Pages: General

Reference Pages: Specific

Dictionaries and Language Helps

News and Editorials Magazines

Science Computer Tech Health

Do-it-Yourself & Tutorial Sites Conversions & Tools

Web Cams Fun Sites Miscellaneous

Music Requested Links Art

On-line Literature Quotations

Consumer Sites Maps, etc.

Kids: For Learning and Fun

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Reference Pages: General
Library of Congress
The largest library in the world, with millions of books, recordings, photographs, newspapers, maps and manuscripts in its collections. Congress doesn't seem to use it. You might as well.
Be sure to wear a tight hat, because this site might make your head explode.
Encyclopedia Britannica
Shorter than the paper version, but much easier to carry.
More than 50,000 articles, plus millions of links, and even pictures for those who can't read.
Ask.com - What's Your Question?
Answer questions personal and professional, easy and difficult, silly and serious.
Reference Desk
Arguably the single best source for facts on the net.
Fact Monster
Don't open this unless you have time to browse, because you won't want to leave.
Tons of it.
1,100+ video talks from some of the world's most fascinating thinkers and doers.
Open Culture
High-quality cultural & educational media, scattered across the web, and not otherwise easy to find.
How Stuff Works
Even I can read this.
Explain That Stuff!
450 articles, richly illustrated, on how things work, cutting-edge science, cool gadgets, and computers.

Reference Pages: Specific
50 States
Over 21,784 web sites about the different American states.
Baby Center - Cradle and All
For the parents, not the babies. Unless the babies can read.
Baby Names
Lots more than just names and meanings.
Behind the Name
History of first names. That is, useable names; not early Neanderthal names like Og or Zork.
Over 7,000 biographies and features
S9 Biographical Dictionary
One of the largest biography sites on the planet.
Who2 Biographies
Now with 3797 biographies of famous people, characters and creatures.
Time and Date
World clocks and time-related calculators.
Listen Notes
The best search engine for finding podcasts.
A vast library of podcasts on almost any subject
Find a Grave
See the graves of thousands of famous people from around the world. What fun!
Written scripts of hundreds of movies and TV shows.
TV Theme Music and Songs - TelevisionTunes.com
A huge free library of TV theme songs and music
Who's Alive and Who's Dead
Find out whether somebody is alive or dead. Famous people only. Very handy if they want to check on themselves.

Dictionaries and Language Helps
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Highest quality dictionary and thesaurus. Includes very nifty audio pronunciations.
Includes dictionary, thesaurus, quotations, reference, a large translator and many other fun features.
One-Look Dictionaries
3,922,099 words in 740 online dictionaries. At least that's what they claim. I didn't count them.
Visual Dictionary Online
Filled with stunning (at least the illustrator thinks so) illustrations labeled with accurate terminology in up to six languages.
Online Etymology Dictionary
Answers the question, "Where did that word come from?"
OneLook Reverse Dictionary
You describe a concept and get back a list of words and phrases related to that concept
Rhymzone: Rhyming Dictionary and Thesaurus
Find definitions, rhyming words, synonyms and more verbal treats.
How to Pronounce; a Pronunciation Dictionary
Audio pronunciation dictionary for 89 languages, with meanings, synonyms, sentence usages, translations and much more.
Copy and paste a word list and they will all be extracted and defined. Handy if you don't understand English and can't read any of this.
Acronym Finder
212,000+ definitions of acronyms. abbreviations and initialisms. Probably more than actually exist.
Phrase Finder
Meanings and origins of phrases and sayings from Shakespeare, the Bible, coined at sea, English proverbs, and popular fallacies.
Phrases, Expressions & Sayings
Learn where a huge number of everyday phrases, cliches, expressions and sayings come from.

News and Editorials
Proudly one of the least biased and most trusted news sources anywhere, headlines cover insights from every end of the spectrum, with a strong focus on clean, accurate reporting.
The Associated Press
An independent global news organization dedicated to factual reporting. The most trusted source of fast, accurate, unbiased news in all formats.
Axios gets you smarter, faster on what matters. We launched in January 2017 in the belief that Media is broken, too often a scam, and stories are too long or boring. We cover news clinically, not ideologically.
Drudge Report
Provides headlines with links to breaking news, prevailing stories and editorials worldwide.
BBC News
Complete coverage of the entire world from England.
ABC News
The best in breaking news, plus texts from their various TV news magazine shows.
CBS News
The best in breaking news, live video coverage, original journalism, lifestyle features, commentary and local updates.
NBC News - Now
Also the best in breaking news, live video coverage, original journalism, lifestyle features, commentary and local updates.
CNN News
Highly liberal politically. Very accessible and diverse website.
Fox News Channel
Highly conservative politically. Many fun and fascinating features besides all the news.
USA Today
Claims to be a center for balanced discourse, quick to read and useful, not information overload; a clear-cut guide to what's most important.
National Review
Conservative commentary on major political and cultural issues, both domestic and global.
Liberal news and commentary which claims to be accurate, nonpartisan, impactful information to the powerful, particularly those who have a political, professional or financial stake in politics and policy.
Newspapers Online
Links to many thousands of newspaper sites.
Digitized newspapers, 1607 to present, every state, 28 countries, millions of articles organized by a vast assortment of categories.
Wired News
Cool daily news about technology and culture.
More weather news then you could possibly want.
A long but fun page with up-to-the-minute headlines, articles, and stories from the most popular sites on the internet.
Arts Journal
A digest of some of the best arts and cultural journalism from more than 200 English-language newspapers, magazines and publications.
Arts & Letters Daily
Since 1998, has linked to more than 17,000 articles, book reviews, and essays in philosophy, literature, aesthetics, language, trends, breakthroughs, ideas, criticism, culture, history, music, arts, disputes, and gossip.

Magazine Directory
Alphabetized links to an astonishing number of magazines.
National Geographic
The legendary print magazine on line!
Scientific American
Another legendary print magazine on line!
Time Magazine
Yet another legendary print magazine on line!

Live Science
Breaks down the stories behind the most interesting news and photos on the Internet, while also digging up fascinating discoveries.
Science news read by students, educators, researchers, healthcare and government agencies, and the general public. But hardly anyone else.
Si-Tec Daily Review
This will suck you in like Arts & Letters Daily, except it's about science and technology.
Everyday Mysteries
From the Library of Congress, this answers questions dealing with everyday phenomena that we often take for granted, but each can be explained scientifically.
Science Frontiers
Full of observations and facts that challenge prevailing scientific paradigms, or in other words, baffle scientists.
Frank Potter's Science Gems
More than 14,000 science resources sorted by category, subcategory, and grade level.
Greatest Engineering Achievements of the 20th Century
For those who love engineering achievements.

Computer Tech
CNET - Fuel for the Tech Savvy Mind
Tech news, product reviews, and even videos that demystify technology(at least for some people).
FOLDOC: Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing
So you can at least sound like you know what you're doing.
Kim Komando
Tons of comprehensible info about computers and the Internet.
Software downloads, web sites, do-it-yourself projects,novel shortcuts and tips for getting things done.
The PC Guide Topic Index
Includes a basic guide to the workings of a computer's internal organs.
PC Magazine
A complete up-to-date guide on all aspects of electronic consumer technology.
ZD Net
Broad range of IT news, analysis, blogs, reviews, downloads, videos, peer feedback, and research.

A Pediatric Nurse's Guide to the Human Body
Part of the website for Advantis Medical, a top rate agency for careers in travel nursing, this is a surprisingly accessible, and therefore interesting and informative, guide to all the different systems in the human body.
Aim for a Healthy Weight
Learn how to assess your risks, calculate your Body Mass Index, and more.
Go Ask Alice! Columbia University's health site answers questions on everything from antidepressants to yawning.
Gray's Anatomy
Ever wonder what you look like inside? Remember, beauty is only skin deep.
RxList: Internet Drug Index
More about drugs and alternative medicines.
Learn CPR
The complete guide.
Mayo Clinic
More than 3,300 physicians, scientists and researchers share their expertise. And they don't even bill you for it.
Medical Terms Encyclopedia
You, too, can talk like a doctor.
Health information from the National Library of Medicine, high quality, trusted, relevent, easy to understand.
Prescriber's Desk Reference
Tells you how to use drugs without getting arrested or killing yourself.
Web MD
Another major source of quality information to help you sound and act like a real doctor. All you'll need now is a white coat and a stethoscope.
Every Day Health
Expert guidance and daily tools to make the best health choices, actively manage conditions and live better every day.

Do-it-Yourself and Tutorial Sites
So you can tear your house down, and then rebuild it.
DIY Network
Help for any do-it-yourself project.
Focuses on indexing only high-quality How-to's, typically from well-known, recognized brand names or individuals.
Lawn Care
A terrific, elegantly simple lawn-care web site.
Whether you need to fix, build, create or learn, eHow gives you practical solutions to problems life throws at you.
Fix-It Literacy Guide for Teenagers
Many resources to teach teens about tools, home repairs, and the fix-it vocabulary that will benefit them in adulthood.
Manuals on Line
Over 650,000 owner manuals from hundreds of top brands.
Manual Agent
Thousands of manuals and guides for computers, electronics, gadgets, furniture, etc. closely related to daily life.
Has over 100,000 user manuals, available for free download.
How to Do Things
Tools and resources on how to do things more stylishly, better, faster, easier, cheaper, and even more meaningfully.
High-quality, expert-hosted, engaging, useful how-to information videos on a huge variety of topics.
Housekeeping Channel
A comprehensive resource for advice, hints and tips on house cleaning and housekeeping.

Conversions & Tools

Online Conversion
More than 8,100 conversions, or equivalents, between different measurement systems.
Everyday Life Calculators - Omni
1,092 free, custom calculators to help solve real-life problems .
Roman Numerals Converter
Convert Arabic numbers to Roman numerals, or convert Roman numerals to Arabic numbers.
We find and share the best tools on the web to get whatever you want done. Simply.
Math Calculators - organized by Subject, Topic & Difficulty
Part of Calculators.org, an amazing collection of a widely various calculators, the best on line, well organized and categorized for easy reference.

Web Cams
Earth Cam
Arguably the best portal for live cam feeds from all over the world.

Fun Sites
Wacky Uses
Hundreds of little-known uses for well-known products.
Top 10 Lists of everything under the sun.
Puzzle Prime
Brain teasers, detective mysteries, optical illusions, and anything puzzle-related you can think of.

Many hundreds of highest quality documentaries and films free to stream or download.
Flight Arrivals and Departures
Arrival and departure information for all commercial airline flights over the US and Canada.
The Web 100
Rankings and reviews, top 100, top 10, and other lists help you cut through the web's clutter to find the best sites.
Cheatography - Cheat Sheets for Every Occasion
Over 35,000 quick-references in chart form, covering an astonishing variety of subjects and practical situations

Classical Archives
More musical info and downloadable midi-files than you could imagine.
Classical Net
More than 9000 pages, 20,000+ images, more than 7200 CD, DVD, Blu-ray, Book and Concert reviews, and over 5500 links to other classical music web sites. But that's all.
Tune In
Listen to live radio sources of sports, up-to-the-minute news, curated music, millions of podcasts, and over 120,000 streaming radio stations.
Music Treasures Co.
An on-line catalog from which you can order a huge variety of music and dance related products, gifts and educational stuff.
IMSLP, the International Music Score Library Project
As of May, 2020, we have 515,000 printed music scores and 61,000 recordings available for free download. All in public domain.

Requested Links
Serving Justice in Uniform: A Comprehensive Career Guide for Military Paralegals
Military paralegals and related career fields have unique practices, procedures, training, and nuances. If you are considering a career as a military paralegal, this site can help you to verify whether this career aligns with your professional goals and personal values.

Preventing Slips and Falls for Seniors
As we age, our balance and mobility become increasingly important for our health and well-being. Slips and falls are common among seniors, and they often lead to injuries that significantly impact quality of life. We created a highly detailed and well laid-out guide to explore causes of slips and falls, and practical tips and strategies to help you or your loved ones stay safe and independent.

School Bus Bullying Prevention
Without teachers, parents or working bus drivers to monitor their behavior, and enforce school policy, the bus can become a breeding ground for bullying and other bad behavior. Article headings include: Why Bullying Happens on the Bus, What Parents Can Do, What Kids Can Do, What Bus Drivers Can Do, What Schools Can Do, and Resource Links for Bullying Prevention for kids, parents, and schools. Thank you to Julie, Ms. Rebecca and Ms. Felecia!

My Liaison
A surprisingly comprehensive guide for upcoming college and graduate school students. A few of the many subdivisions: 20 Highest-Paying Master's Degrees You Should Consider; Financial Aid for Graduate School: The Ultimate Guide; Colleges With Lowest Acceptance Rates; Colleges With Highest Acceptance Rates; Colleges That Offer Distance Learning; Most Affordable Colleges; Most Expensive Colleges - and many deeper, more focused explorations.

Your Career in Mental Health, Decoded
This pleasingly laid out site is filled with current information on all of the available marriage and family therapy programs in the United States. With such a wide spread of schools, finding the right program has become overwhelming for applicants. The site breaks down various programs by location, degree level, and allows users to sort programs by various other attributes including whether or not an entrance exam is needed or if the program is accredited and if so, by whom.

Masters in Public Administration: A Guide for Aspiring Learners
This information-packed guide shows a long list of links under these titles: Types of MPA Programs, MPA Programs by State, MPA Resources. There is also a large presentation of common roles and job titles in the field of public administration. These include Median Sararies, Projected Job Growth and Program Overview.

Memory Loss: How to Improve Your Memory
A treasure trove of research-based strategies and tips backed by science. A virtually encyclopedic, but highly readable, article on memory creation and retention, including such subheadings as: How Memories Are Made; Why Is My Memory Fading?; Are Alzheimer's and Dementia the Same Thing?; Tips to Improve Memory. Each subheading has a wealth of more focused subheadings and links to highly informative articles all over the internet. Thank you to Samantha and Ms. Rebecca!

Talking to Kids About a Loved One Moving Into a Nursing Home
When a cherished family member is moving into a nursing home, this page gives you an opportunity to help your child understand aging, empathy, and family responsibility. To help guide your conversation, we offer the following subheadings: 5 ways to explain to your child the concept of a nursing home; Sharing the Reasons for Their Loved One's Move; Addressing Your Child's Emotions; 10 Tips to Guide Conversation if Their Loved One Has Alzheimer's or Dementia; 5 Tips for Taking Children to Visit Nursing Home Facilities

College Success Guide for Single Parents
According to The Institute for Women's Policy Research, 52% of all single parent students drop out of college before obtaining a degree. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that bachelor's degree holders earn an average of $500 more per week than those who have only graduated high school. This website is a guide to higher education for single parents. It's full of scholarships, resources, and advice for single parent students.

Top Online Healthcare Education Programs
How does online and hybrid learning work in medical and healthcare education? Which schools and programs are the best? What do you need to know before you apply and enroll? Here you can find the answers you need, and search hundreds of schools for the degree you want.

Veterans' Guide to Assisted Living and Long Term Care Benefits
Everyone deserves to age with dignity and high quality care. This annually updated guide strives to help veterans understand and access all the senior care-related benefits they've earned and are entitled to.

Camp Lejeune Water Contamination
The Camp Lejeune Claims Center was founded by health advocate Chris Carberg, whose father, USMC John Carberg, died from bladder cancer connected to Camp Lejeune Water Contamination. We exist to help military veterans harmed by the contaminated water at Camp Lejeune to get the financial compensation they deserve. We're ready to help you - at no out-of-pocket cost to you or your family.

The Embracing Equity Women's Empowerment Business Grant
In addition to being a simple and convenient centralized hub for researching legitimate financial products, our Embracing Equity Women's Empowerment Business Grant will provide $17,500 in cash for businesses that are women-run and women-owned with fewer than 99 employees.
Maritime Injury Center: Money You Deserve
Whether you work in a port as a longshoreman, aboard a ship as a seaman, on an offshore platform, or in some other role, the work can be exciting and lucrative, but also highly dangerous. Fortunately there are several different maritime laws to ensure you get the money you deserve if you are injured, but trying to get it by yourself is difficult. We can help you to be sure you get the maximum benefits.
What Does Bulimia Do to Your Teeth?
People with Bulimea often secretly binge, eating large amounts of food with a loss of control. Then, attempts to undo the effects often include self-induced vomiting. This introduces stomach acid which over time damages the entire gastrointestinal (GI) tract, including the lips, mouth, gums, palate, tongue, teeth, esophagus, and opening to the stomach. Our website provides detailed understanding of this, plus suggestions for at least partially mitigating the destruction.
The Name Geek
The Name Geek has a huge amount of data about names. For example, do you want to know how many people named Michael are alive right now in the United States? Or what were the top boy/girl names the year you were born? We can help with that and much more.
Eating Disorders and Children
Even young children can be facing the medical, nutritional, psychological and social consequences of various eating disorders. Emerging reasons why children are falling into these dangerous traps at increasingly younger ages include genetic predispositions, the idealization of thinness, and social shaming relating to body weight. We have a diverse, inclusive, multilingual group of professionals united in support of all who suffer with eating disorders.
All About Exercise Addiction
There really is such a thing as too much exercise. Addiction to exercise is a chronic mental illness that causes relationship issues, job loss, poor self-esteem, and poor overall health. Our experts wrote a guide on what exercise addiction is, as well as how to diagnose it. Our guide also breaks down the side effects of this, different therapies that can be helpful to those suffering, and how to help someone that you think might be suffering from exercise addiction.
Free Grants for Ex-Felons
We are the Internet's largest directory of grants and financial assistance programs for ex-felons; the most trusted and most popular resource for ex-offenders who want to rebuild their lives. Just because you had unfortunate past does not mean you don’t deserve a fortunate future. Please allow us to help you. It would be an honor.
Directory of Grants for Single Mothers
Here are lists of financial assistance programs that help single mothers with rent, utility bills, child care, education, medication, housing, medical bills, and mortgage, among others. We have listed links to more than 1000 free grants that you could apply for today.
Free Grants for Veterans
We provide comprehensive details on grants for veterans. These grants are given away for free, and they could help low income veterans with bills, mortgage, rent, housing, college, and medications. We also offer information on (1) grants for rent (2) housing assistance (3) help with bills (4) education grants (5) medical bills grants, and (6) business grants.
How Veterans Can Talk to Kids About Cancer
U.S. veterans are at a greater risk of several different types of cancer. Beyond the love children have for relatives, they may hold veterans in especially high reverence and view them as stronger or braver due to their military service, so such a diagnosis can be devastating to family members - especially children. Telling kids the truth will allow them to process their emotions in a healthy way rather than keeping them bottled up.
Mesothelioma Resource Group
We can connect you with our team of patient advocates, our nursing support staff, and our legal associates, while we offer free resources that are reviewed by certified oncologists and provide detailed information about mesothelioma and its health impacts. Our mission is to raise awareness about cancer and other asbestos-related diseases such as mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma Lawyer Center
Our mission is to put people diagnosed with mesothelioma and their families in touch with a highly experienced mesothelioma attorney in their area so they have access to their best possible financial compensation.
Lung Cancer Group
Makers of asbestos-based products knew that asbestos led to serious illnesses as far back as the 1930s but hid the dangers for decades because asbestos could make them millions of dollars. Over 27 million people had been exposed to asbestos by the time the health risks became well-known in the early 1980s. Thousands are still developing lung cancer and other asbestos-related diseases every year. Over several decades, we've helped thousands of families get billions of dollars in compensation. Here, we offer an absolute wealth of revelent information.
We are a significant team of doctors, scientists and social workers dedicated to providing all the latest in cancer research, treatment, and patient advocacy. We work diligently with experts and health professionals to compile fact-checked and physician approved information regarding mesothelioma, how it affects the body, how it can be treated and survived, verteran assistance, and legal compensation.
The Mesothelioma Center at Asbestos.com
We help mesothelioma patients and their loved ones through every step of their journey, building relationships with innovative cancer centers, helping families access financial assistance and connecting them to top mesothelioma lawyers for compensation. We also provide support groups and more.
Mesothelioma Hope
Mesothelioma is caused when microscopic asbestos fibers are inhaled and become lodged in a person's lungs. This page provides free educational resources and support to help adults talk to their children about a loved one having a disease or cancer caused by asbestos.
Birth Injury Justice Center
Dedicated to supporting anyone who has been affected by birth injuries, brain injuries, cerebral palsy, Erb's palsy, and other developmental disabilities. We strive to provide answers and guidance to ensure that families receive the assistance that they need to help improve their overall quality of life.
Enhance Health Group
A page of resources to help educate families and communities about the pandemic's effect on mental health among teens and adolescents. We provide insight to parents, educators, and concerned peers on how the pandemic is affecting these young people, signs to look for if a teen is struggling, and important ways to help.
What is Self-harm: Signs and Causes
Purposely injuring and inflicting physical pain on oneself is not a mental illness, but it can be a risky and increasingly dangerous symptom of larger issues that often lead to suicide. This is a marvelous resource making it easier to recognize and deal with this behavior.
You would have to see this to believe the amount of highly practical and user-friendly information on all aspects of dentistry including therapeutic, restorative, orthodontic and cosmetic, as well as personal dental hygiene.
DNA Weekly
Our team is working hard to provide you with objective, thorough DNA test kit reviews, as well as a comprehensive knowledge base of DNA test-related articles and resources.
IEEE Xplore - digital library of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
More than five-million scientific and technical documents from world's most highly-cited publications in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics.
Try Engineering
Learn different disciplines within engineering. Find school engineering programs, tips on course selection and financial aid. Browse questions answered by engineering students and professionals.
Become a Doctor: Preparing for the MCAT
What is the MCAT? FAQ, Creating a Study Plan, Practice Tests, Preparation Tips for the Test, MCAT Success Strategies, MCAT Writing Sample Strategies, What to Expect on Test Day, and more.
Library Science Degrees
With the digitization of informational resources, library science is having a resurgence as an area of study toward academic degrees. This website is bursting with help towards all types of library science degrees online, as well as library careers.

Art and the Bible
Hundreds of famous paintings linked to their corresponding Bible passages.
Web Museum Famous Paintings Exhibition
A vast wealth of downloadable artworks, all conveniently thumbnailed.

On-line Literature
A modest little offering of great books including dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference guides, the Bible, the complete works of Shakespeare,the 70-volume Harvard Classics, and over 10,000 poems. But not much else.
The Children's Literature Web Guide
A vast resource of classical and modern literature for children and young adults.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Classic Christian books from a variety of viewpoints and traditions.
The Classical Library
Classic literature, reference works, magazines, journals, newspapers, based on texts that are newly scanned and converted.
The Internet Archive
A staggering number of archived web pages, books and documents, images,videos and sound files.
The Internet Classical Archive
441 works of classical literature by 59 authors, mainly Greco-Roman (some Chinese and Persian), all in English translation.
Luminarium: Anthology of English Literature
All the ages of written English, plus religious writers, Renaissance drama, metaphysical poets, and cavalier poets.
The Online Books Page
Listing over 3 million free books on the Web
The Perseus Digital Library Project
Classical Greek literature in English and Greek. Much of the history, literature and culture of the Greco-Roman world.
Pink Monkey
The internet successor to Cliff Notes. Free study guides, chapter summaries, plot analysis, chapter notes, synopsis. Wow.
Project Gutenberg
The mother of all sites for making electronic texts freely available.

Quotations on every topic, by every author, and in every fashion possible. But don't quote me on that.
The Quotations Page
More than 28,000 quotations online from over 3,400 authors, and more are added daily.

Consumer Sites
Detailed product information and reviews, and side-by-side comparisons.
The web's most useful resource for all things shopping.
From heated blankets to trampolines to cordless drills, we compare top products in thousands of categories.
Since 1999, cutting through the noise of thousands of reviews and spec comparisons to bring products that best fit your needs.

Maps, etc.
Maps, driving directions, road trip planners, city guides, and real time traffic reports.

Kids: For Learning and Fun
Great Websites for Kids
Websites on many subjects for kids up to age 14. Also a long list of sites for parents, care givers, teachers, and others.
#1 educational site for K-8 teachers and kids. Fun games and tests.
NASA - "Ultra-Efficient Engine Technology Kid's Pages"
Introducing elementary grade students to aerospace engineering.
Archkidecture: Architecture for Kids
Much more than just simple igloos and dog houses.
Fix-It Literacy Guide for Teenagers
Many resources to teach teens about tools, home repairs, and the fix-it vocabulary that will benefit them in adulthood.
National Geographic for Kids
A seemingly endless list of fascinating subjects and graphics-rich resources for learning about our world.
The Encyclopedia of Earth - Geography
A hugely interesting website. Full of articles, definitions, speeches, reports, ebooks, images, videos and sound files.
100,000 Stars
Interactive visualization of 119,617 nearby stars, 87 individually identified stars and our solar system.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Official portal to inspiring resources, helping Church members learn, live, and share the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Officially introduces the Church to the world with accurate information, answers to questions, and ways to learn more.
Latter-day Saints Channel
An official Church media service that provides inspirational and uplifting content .
Discover your family history for free, through a church account, to billions of genealogical records from around the world.
The Encyclopedia of Mormonism
History, scripture, doctrine, and procedure of The Church, online from BYU Harold B. Lee Library
FairMormon Answers
Well-documented answers to criticisms of LDS doctrine, belief and practice.
Book of Mormon Central
Many academic disciplines make the Book of Mormon more accessible, comprehensible, and defensible to people everywhere.
Book of Mormon Evidences
Many interesting findings that make it difficult to explain away the Book of Mormon as a 19th-century fraud from Joseph Smith.
Mormon Scholars Testify
Hundreds of testimonies that give insight to the thoughts and feelings of LDS scholars.
Meridian Magazine
An free omnibus online magazine of high quality by and for Latter-day Saints. Highly recommended by me.
LDS Living Magazine
Uplifting articles about Latter-day Saint culture, and in-depth coverage of many important current LDS topics.
Information, features, expert opinions and more on Latter-day Saint practices and teachings.
