Late Night Visitors On March 8-9, 1981, President Spencer W. Kimball visited the Dominican Republic for a conference held in the ballroom of a large hotel in Santo Domingo. Nearly 1,600 people attended. President Kimball shook hands with hundreds of Saints. That night, near midnight, Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin heard that a group of about one hundred Saints had just arrived from the far end of the island. They were from the Puerto Plata Branch. Their bus had broken down on the way. They were very disappointed to have missed seeing the prophet. Many were weeping. They needed to soon start their journey back home. Elder Wirthlin told President Kimball's secretary, D. Arthur Haycock about the problem. Brother Haycock related: I knocked on President Kimball's door, and he opened it dressed in his pajamas. I advised him of the situation and suggested that I'd be glad to carry his message of love and blessing to the Saints before they started their homeward journey. He said, "Oh, that wouldn't be fair, would it? You wait a couple of minutes and I'll dress, and we'll hold another meeting." And that's what we did. By two in the morning, the President was back in bed and the Saints were headed for home, rejoicing.President Kimball shared the story in April 1981 General Conference: Sister Kimball and I had gone to bed after a long and tiring day. Upon learning of the plight of these faithful souls, my secretary knocked on the door of our hotel room and woke us up. I got out of bed and dressed and went downstairs to see the members who had made such an effort only to be disappointed because of engine trouble. The Saints were still weeping as we entered the hall, so I spent more than an hour visiting with them. They then seemed relieved and satisfied and got back on the bus for the long ride home. They had to get back by morning to go to work and to school. Those good people seemed so appreciative of a brief visit together that I felt we just couldn't let them down. As I returned to my bed, I did so with a sense of peace and contentment in my soul. (edited by David Van Alstyne) Home / For Latter-day Saints |