Immoderate Musings;
Quibblesome Quarrels;
Risible Rhapsodies on
Music and Morals

For those who love
silly sallies into the
sportive prolixity of
sesquipedalian taradiddles and
daffy dillies of diddling fiddle-faddle
filled with philosophical flapdoodle.
{There are only 296 verses, with a linked glossary as you go.
A preface explains, and offers excuses for, why I would create such a thing.}

Pleonastic Prodigalities of
Protracted Prolixity

With all due respect, may I gingerly suggest that you
fleetly fly, zip and zoom to parse, purge and purify the
sadly scrofulous nimbus of your impercipient certitude, and
painstakingly pulverize your plots and blots of bodacious bunk
. . . {still under construction, but coming along!}

A Vocabular Romp
of Pretentious Pomp
on the Sundry Ingredients of This Website

. . . an embarrasment of whimsy in cerebral recreation under the
hallowing heights of heavenly lift and numinous edification,

Making Music in Zion
. . . with our hearts knit together in love and our eyes single to the glory of God.

My Perspective On the Arts
We humans are all, by definition, artists, musicians, dancers, poets and actors.

A Father's Day Sentiment About My Dad
A few words among others from various Utah artists and performers about our fathers for a Father's Day article in the Deseret News, June 20, 2010

George Birthington's Washday
Was February 22 just the washday of some local kid named George Birthington?



A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief
Abide with Me
Abide With Me; 'Tis Eventide
As I Search the Holy Scriptures
As the Dew From Heaven Distilling
Away in a Manger
Beautiful Savior
Come Unto Jesus
Did You Think to Pray
Father, I Will Reverent Be
God Is Love
God's Daily Care
Guide Me to Thee
How Gentle God's Commands
How Great the Wisdom and the Love
How Great Thou Art
I Am a Child of God
I Know That My Redeemer Lives
I Need Thee Every Hour
I Stand All Amazed
I Thank Thee, Dear Father
In Remembrance of Thy Suffering
In the Bleak Mid-winter
Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King
Jesus Once of Humble Birth
Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me
Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee
Joseph Smith's First Prayer
Lead Kindly Light
Lord, I Would Follow Thee
More Holiness Give Me
My Heavenly Father Loves Me
Nearer, My God, to Thee
O May My Soul Commune with Thee
O My Father
O Thou Before the World Began
Our Savior's Love
Prayer is the Soul's Sincere Desire
Reverently, Quietly
Silent Night
Sweet Hour of Prayer
Sweet Is the Peace the Gospel Brings
Tell Me, Dear Lord
There Is a Green Hill Far Away
'Tis Sweet to Sing the Matchless Love
Where Can I Turn for Peace


A Widow's Lullaby at Winter Quarters, 1846


The First Vision + "Oh, How Lovely"

Easter Hymns: part 1 + Brahms

Easter Hymns: part 2 + Brahms

Nephi's Vision + Debussy

Oliver Cowdery + Brahms

King Benjamin + Samuel Barber

Psalm of Nephi + Brahms



